Welcome to the Hewes Crew.
60 years of innovation, experience and quality.
Given how Hewes owners use their boats so differently, it might seem difficult to find what they have in common. After all, they live up the eastern seaboard and wrap around to Texas. They jig tide rips for stripers, pole the marsh grass for redfish, plug mangrove shorelines for snook and tarpon and chase monster trout over lush seagrass in the Laguna Madre. Heck, some simply use their boats for snorkeling or just cruising. Ask a Hewes owner how he or she characterizes his or her boat and the responses will vary the spectrum from solid to safe to stylish. However, what they all have in common is the pride in owning a product that has been at the top of its class for nearly 60 years. And with that comes a collective peace of mind knowing that their Hewes will perform, last and maintain its value to a higher standard.

To learn more about Hewes owners, spend some time at the Hewes Owners Dock at the MBG forum, www.mbgforum.com. There you will find owners discussing topics related to excitement over the next Owner’s Tournament, photos of their latest catches or technical questions about their boats. What becomes quickly apparent is a passion for their Hewes and a kinship that comes from the experience of owning the best.

Owners’ Manuals
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best prop for my model/ engine size combination?What is the best prop for my model/ engine size combination?
The proper prop size for your Maverick depends on how you have your boat configured (options and weight) relative to your engine size. New Mavericks will be paired with the proper prop size and style for best overall performance by the selling dealer. When available Maverick and Yamaha provide guidance on best overall prop selection by model and engine package via Yamaha’s Performance Bulletins, found on the model pages of this website under “Performance” and at Yamaha’s site, https://yamahaoutboards.com/en-us/home/outboards/xto-offshore/v8-5-6l/xf425/pb3_cnd_39st_tr_xf425_5-9-18_occ.
Please keep in mind that boat performance is highly dependent on how the boat is configured (trolling motor, Power Pole, etc.), your variable load (number of passengers, livewells empty or full, weight distribution, fuel on board, etc.), how the boat is operated (proper use of engine trim and trim tabs), and the condition of the prop. If your boat is not performing in near accordance with the numbers seen on the corresponding boat and engine model performance bulletin, the first step is to determine your prop size. That should be included on the original paperwork from the selling dealer. If you don’t have that or feel like the prop is not the original prop, you should be able to determine the prop size and model by looking for the model code on the prop. This will be stamped on the throat of the prop or inside the open end of the prop. The larger of the two numbers in the code will typically be the pitch size. If the prop model and size match the model number on the performance bulletin, you should next compare how your boat is configured and your load relative to the boat in the bulletin. Obviously, if your boat is heavier due to load and added accessories than the test boat, then it will likely be slower and have lower fuel efficiency than stated in the bulletin. If you still feel that your boat is underperforming, a new prop of the same size or a different sized prop that better matches how you have your boat configured might be in order.
There are a number of excellent resources online for helping you to choose the correct prop for your boat, including this one from Yamaha, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJr-_aeIgUw. Your local Maverick dealer is also a good source for helping you determine the prop that’s right for you.
Where can I buy a trailer for my boat? Where can I buy a trailer for my boat?
Hewes partners with Ameratrail Trailers, http://www.ameratrail.com/, arguably the best trailers in the business. New trailers and replacement parts can be purchased directly from Ameratrail.
Where do I get replacement/new parts for my boat? Where do I get replacement/new parts for my boat?
As an original equipment manufacturer with distribution through its national dealer network, Maverick Boat Group (MBG) is not set up to sell products directly to individuals. Replacements parts for newer Mavericks can be ordered through your local Maverick dealer. Your local dealer can be found here: https://hewes.com/dealer-locator/
If I have an older Hewes, where do I get replacement cushions? If I have an older Hewes, where do I get replacement cushions?
The best and quickest source for replacement cushions would be through a canvas/upholstery shop in your area. Your local Hewes dealer would be a good source for recommendations in your area. Another option is Sorite Cushions and Canvas in Ft. Pierce, FL. They can be reached at 772-579-6274.
Where can I buy a cover for my boat?Where can I buy a cover for my boat?
Due to all the variations in options configurations, Hewes does not offer boat covers. It is recommended to use a canvas shop in your area so that they can pattern and build a cover to the exact specifications of your boat and its optional content. Sorite Cushions and Canvas in Ft. Pierce, FL. (772-579-6274) is also a good source for fitted covers.
What is the best size trolling motor for my Hewes? What is the best size trolling motor for my Hewes?
All of today’s Hewes come standard with backing plates that are laminated into the deck for aftermarket trolling motor installation. These plates start just aft of the bow point and go back 21” along the port and starboard gunwales and are 6 3/8” wide. They are designed to accept the bolt pattern of the common quick release brackets offered currently by the primary trolling motor manufacturers. These plates can be drilled (13/64 drill bit) and tapped (1/4 20 tap) to accept the bolts in the pattern for your trolling motor’s mounting plate. It is advised to further secure the plate using a flexible urethane-based sealant such as 3M 4200.
Trolling motor wiring (24 volt for the 16 and 18 Redfishers and 36 volt for the 21 Redfisher) is standard on all new Hewes. You will find the plug for the trolling motor under the forward deck hatch and mounted to the forward lid trough for that hatch or in the anchor locker. The battery wires and the breaker for the trolling motor will be run to the console.
If your boat doesn’t have trolling motor wiring pre-installed and you wish to add it, it is recommended that you use your local Hewes dealer for that installation.
Trolling motors with shafts around 54” should work for most all applications for all Hewes models.
What if I want to mount a Power Pole(s) after the fact?What if I want to mount a Power Pole(s) after the fact?
As of 11/20 the 16 and 18 Redfishers have 8” x 8” plates laminated into the transom on the port and starboard sides for aftermarket Power Pole installation. To find where the plates are for your particular model please refer to your model’s owner’s manual. These models built prior to 11/20 and going back to approximately 2012 have a single 8” x 8” plate only on the port side.
These plates can be drilled (1/4” drill bit) and tapped (5/16” tap) to accept the bolts in the pattern for the Power Pole mounting plate. It is advised to further secure the plate using a flexible urethane-based sealant such as 3M 4200.
Since the 21 Redfisher comes standard with a jackplate, Power Poles can be mounted directly to the jackplate using the power pole mounting brackets part number PKB-S-4-P (port) or S (starboard) per Power Pole’s mounting instructions.
What is the best way to care for and maintain my upholstery and canvas? What is the best way to care for and maintain my upholstery and canvas?
Please reference this PDF for instructions on how to care for your upholstery and canvas.
Upcoming Owner Events

Raleigh Boat Show
March 21-23, 2025
Location: Raleigh Convention Center
500 S Salisbury St
Raleigh, NC 27601
Dealer – Collins Inc.

April 25 – 27, 2025
Location: Marina Jack, #2 Marina Plaza, Sarasota, FL 34236.
Dealer – Ingman Marine